National Energy Project

Creating a resilient clean energy future for generations to come.

Beyond Coal Campaign

Beyond Coal, one of the largest and most prominent campaigns in the modern environmental movement, in many ways is at the forefront of climate organizing. The campaign, by connecting organizers across the country in a shared clean energy vision, is responsible for locking in the retirement of over 150,000 dirty megawatts of coal power and saving thousands of lives annually that would otherwise be lost to toxic pollutants. More than half of the coal plants in the United States are now either offline or slated for retirement because of the hardworking efforts of community organizers fighting for a cleaner, better future for their neighborhoods.

To learn more about the Beyond Coal Campaign on the Sierra Club’s website, click here!

Building Electrification Campaign

Through the Beyond Coal Campaign, in 2016, the Sierra Club became one of the first advocacy organizations to launch an effort to get gas out of homes and buildings with a clear and explicit vision of 100 percent electrification coupled with clean, affordable energy. Gas is the largest driver of climate disruption in the United States and a health hazard when burned in homes and buildings.The Building Electrification Campaign spun off into its own campaign in 2021 with a goal to end the use of fossil fuels in homes and buildings by 2045; to achieve a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the sector by 2030; and to ensure the benefits of electrification flow first to low-income and Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities.

Clean Transportation for All Campaign

Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse emissions and a dangerous source of particulate and ozone pollution in the United States. Transportation pollution—particularly that caused by trucks—is a threat to environmental health. More than half of all Americans live in counties where they are exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution, much of that caused by trucks. The Clean Transportation for All Campaign is addressing these challenges with the urgency that they demand. The campaign is strategically focused on rapidly accelerating a widespread switch to electric vehicles; defending strong federal and state car and truck efficiency regulations; and securing aggressive local and state wins that provide people with clean transportation solutions like access to biking, walking, transit, and zero-emission buses.

To learn more about the Clean Transportation for All Campaign on the Sierra Club’s website, click here!