The Movement Forward Fund (Fund) is a granting fund of SCF that supports partner organizations of the Sierra Club or Sierra Club Foundation whose work advances our shared program goals. The Fund prioritizes program grants that center racial justice and build movement infrastructure, recognizing that building and sustaining a powerful climate justice movement requires steadfast financial support for communities most impacted by a fossil fuel economy. The primary, though not exclusive, focus is on supporting programmatic efforts that advance shared climate and social justice goals toward a just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
The Fund’s program grants aim to end unjust pollution in communities of color, increase frontline communities’ access to clean energy, advance a just climate transition to quality jobs, advance Tribal sovereignty in partnerships focused on lands and pipelines, provide greater access to nature, and prioritize Black, Indigenous and people of color perspectives on equitable climate investments.
Movement Forward Fund grants are by invitation only. Unsolicited funding requests are not considered.